According to the Director of the Boston Medical Center Hair Clinic, Lynne Goldberg that washing your hair daily can cause damage than making it healthy. Naturally, our skin secretes a sebaceous gland to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair. Consistent washing your hair trigger the glands to produce more fat making it dangerous and harmful to your hair. Read this short yet, informative article on how to take good care of your hair by washing it less often but making it healthy and gorgeous looking. Watch Your Diet Your dietary habit affects your hair. Be reminded that fatty and oily foods, including sugar, white bread and canned goods make your hair dull and dry. To achieve a beautiful and healthy hair stay away from these foods. However, always eat fruits and vegetables. You may also include dairy products like egg and milk. Protein source of food will also help like lean meat and nuts. Never Underestimate the Goodness of Dry Shampoo To hide a greasy shine hair, pu...
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